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The game was developed in 2007 by entertainment company Mind Candy and launched in April 2008. As of December 2009, there were 10 million players registered. In March 2010, Mind Candy announced that there were 15 million users and by September 2010 that number had surpassed 25 million. In June 2011 it was announced that there were 50 million users.


                                                          WHAT IS IT

Moshi Monsters is an online world of adoptable pet monsters for boys and girls aged 6–12, with 65 million registered users in 150 territories worldwide. Children choose from one of six virtual pet monsters that they can create, name, and nurture. Once their pet has been customized, players can navigate their way around Monstro City, taking the daily puzzle challenge to earn ‘Rox’ (virtual currency), playing games, solving Super Moshi Missions, personalizing their room, showing off their artwork, reading stories and communicating with friends in a safe environment.





In March 2012, Mind Candy confirmed a major partnership deal with Sony Music. The deal followed the recent launch of Mind Candy’s own music label, Moshi Monsters Music. The deal will see Sony Music handle the distribution aspects of Moshi Monsters' music releases, starting with the debut album Moshi Monsters, Music Rox! Jason Perry, formerly with the UK rock band "A" and head of Moshi Music, is driving the new album.

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